Nikoli’s Kitchen
Welcome everyone! This show is all about my journey of positivity and scratch-made food, inside the kitchen and out. I’m not a chef, I’m just someone extremely passionate about food and trying to make the world a better place, one dish at a time. Every episode, I’ll talk about what’s happening in my world to try to help people, and I’ll share a featured recipe for you to make at home. Thank you so much for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Random Recipe Challenge - Mango Ginger Relish & Hot Dogs in a Risotto?!
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Hello and welcome back to a FULL episode of Nikoli's Kitchen and the arrival of the long-promised Random Recipe Challenge, where I take ingredients submitted by listeners and fans of the show and turn them into a dish. This inaugural challenge sees me making a "relish" of sorts for the first time ever using mango & ginger, and putting hot dogs in a risotto. The result was actually not as bad as you'd think! Before I get there though, I talk for a bit about why I've been absent and what's going on with my life, as I had to take a step back and slow down a little bit and re-adjust. I am back now and you can expect a flurry of new content throughout the month of February to sate that podcast hunger! Thank you so much for your patience and for all of your amazing support.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
24:34 - Random Recipe Challenge27:32 - Ingredients30:46 - Mango Ginger Relish36:07 - Chicken Hot Dog Risotto
Featured Recipe for this Episode
Random Recipe # 1 Ingredients
Boneless Chicken Breast(Arborio) RiceMangoRed Chili PowderGingerHot DogsDill PicklesSpinach
Mango Ginger Relish
2 cups dill pickles, finely diced1 cup pineapple, finely diced1 yellow onion, finely diced1 bell pepper, finely diced10 cloves garlic, finely diced1/4 c white wine1 mango, finely diced2 T grated fresh ginger1 T whole grain mustard1/2 stick butter2 T brown sugar1 T celery salt1/2 t ground turmeric1 T white sugar1 lemon
Finely dice the onion, bell pepper, and garlic. Melt butter in a skillet at mid heat. Add onion and bell pepper and saute, sprinkling with celery salt and the brown sugar. Add white wine and saute, cooking until soft.As the onion/pepper mix finishes up, add the pickles, garlic, and mango. Cook for 1 minute.Add ginger, mustard, and turmeric. Cook for another minute, tossing or mixing until well-combined.Add sugar and juice from one lemon. Cook for 1 minute, tossing or mixing until well-combined.Remove from the heat and add in the pineapple, mixing until well-combined.Store in a container and refrigerate. Makes approx 4 cups.
Chicken Hot Dog Risotto
1 cup arborio rice3-1/2 cups chicken stock1 cup white wine2 c freshly grated parmesan cheese4 organic chicken hot dogs, cooked and chopped1/2 bag baby spinach, roughly chopped2 roma tomatoes, chopped1/2 t allspice1 t red chili powderSaltPepper
Before starting your risotto, cook your hot dogs (I just seared them on all sides, removed and chopped them once they cooled).Warm the stock and the white wine together until they come to a boil and then reduce heat to low (it doesn't need to keep cooking, it just needs to be hot).Warm a large skillet over mid heat and add your dry rice, allowing it to lightly toast, tossing it periodically so it doesn't burn.Begin adding in stock 1/2 to 1 cup at a time, stirring frequently. Once the liquid is absorbed by the rice, add more.Continue this until you have approximately 1/2 cup of stock left.Add your parmesan cheese, hot dogs, spinach, tomatoes, allspice, and chili powder. Add salt & pepper to taste.Cook and continue stirring together until the rice is tender and it has a creamy consistency.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"I am Lost," "Trust," and "Understand" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Quick Bites - Corn & Black Bean Salsa
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Hello all and welcome back to another brand new Quick Bite from Nikoli's Kitchen! These short episodes are all about one quick recipe for me to break down for you to listen to. Stay tuned for Monday's episode where I talk about the first-ever random recipe challenge and what I made, including hot dogs in a risotto! Thank you so much for your patience as I wade through the insanity that is my life to get back to releasing regular content. I appreciate all of your amazing support.
Please check out 2 Girls on a Bench, a hilarious comedy podcast from the amazing Tricia & Siana, at! This was a recipe they had me make on the air last year during the Livestream for the Cure and I've been in love with it ever since. Thank you so much!
Corn & Black Bean SNICK Salsa:
2 cups or 1 can of whole kernel corn, drained and rinsed2 cups or 1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed1 sweet pepper, chopped 1 red onion, chopped12 cloves of garlic, minced6 roma tomatoes, chopped2 Jalapeño peppers, chopped3 cups of fruit, chopped (see below)2 limes, juicedSalt & pepperChili PowderHot Sauce (optional)Chopped cilantroAvocado, chopped (see below)
All of your fruits and vegetables should be chopped to the same rough size. Prepare this about 24 hours or more in advance to allow the ingredients to come together.Combine corn, black beans, peppers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes in a large bowl (in the episode art for this quick bite I didn't have tomatoes so I omitted them, but I typically make it with them).Add your fruit- I typically do three different varieties and I have used apples, pineapple, mango, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries in this in alternating varieties of the salsa. Pick three fruits, and use one cup of each.Add lime juice, salt, pepper, chili powder, hot sauce, and cilantro as desired or to taste.Mix together until well-combined and refrigerate.
Avocado is part of the normal recipe and was in the original version that I made- I would, however, not recommend adding avocado when combining the rest of the ingredients together. It will make the salsa mushy and will inevitably turn brown. If you want to add avocado, when you get a portion of this to eat, add the avocado over the top.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Champagne Mustard and Lemon Garlic Aioli from Scratch!
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Welcome everyone to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week I talk about how Yoga has helped to center me and help me in my life and we've got more announcements about the Livestream for the Cure, including a challenge I hope you'll join me in. In the back half of the show it's all about condiments- specifically mustard and aioli! I had never made either one before I started this show, and I am extremely excited to share my progress with them. I apologize again for the lateness of the episode this week! My recording schedule is crazy right now as is my life so I'm squeezing it in where I can. Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with me.
Recipes mentioned in this episode- Dijon Mustard: Aioli:
Visit Yoga with Adriene to learn all about Adriene and to join her for yoga. It has changed my life, and I know it can change yours too.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
22:51 - Intro (Mustard)26:12 - Step One (Base Mustard Recipe)27:02 - Step Two (Mustard Variants)33:17 - Intro (Aioli)35:30 - Step One (Base Aioli Recipe)36:49 - Step Two (Aioli Variants)
Featured Recipes for this Episode
Lemon Garlic Aioli
4 egg yolks1/4 cup diced red onion2 cloves garlic2 T dijon mustardJuice of 2 lemonsCracked black pepper to tasteSalt to taste1-1/2 c olive oil
Add all ingredients but for the olive oil to a food processor and pulse to combine.Turn food processor on and drizzle in olive oil slowly 1/2 c at a time.Run food processor until you hit the desired consistency.
Champagne Mustard
6 T mustard seeds1/3 c vinegar (NOT apple-cider vinegar)1/3 c wine or champagne (or water, if you want it N/A)1/2 t whole peppercorns2 T finely diced shallots or red onion3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped3/4 t coarse sea salt1/2 t ground turmeric
~| Please keep in mind that your mileage is going to vary greatly based on exactly your combination of mustard seeds. I've found that all yellow seeds or a very small amount of brown/black goes best in the champagne mustard because otherwise you end up muting the subtle flavors in the champagne with the overpowering horseradish-y mustard taste. |~
Use a spice grinder to grind up your mustard seeds, peppercorns, and salt if desired (at the very least your S&P if you want whole grain mustard).Add seeds, salt, and pepper to a jar or other container.Add shallots/onion and garlic as well as turmeric. Add vinegar and wine/water.Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight (the seeds will need to soak).Add the contents of the jar to a food processor and pulse until combined to the desired consistency.Refrigerate.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"I am Lost," "Trust," and "Inspiration" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Homemade Bread & Cherishing your Life
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Hello one and all and welcome to a (late) brand new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week on the show I talk about the Disney/Pixar movie Soul and how it inspired this week's message of positivity, and the featured recipe is for Homemade Bread! I've been really working hard for months now to nail a homemade bread and I think I finally did it. I really hope you enjoy this episode!
With everything going on in the world, remember to stop a moment, breathe, relax, and do something good for yourself. Put some positive energy out there into the world. Always act with love in your heart and be kind to those around you. Love. Always love. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
17:05 - Intro & History19:45 - Step One (Ingredients)21:12 - Step Two (Preparing the Dough)26:26 - Step Three (Baking)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
4-1/2 c bread flour1 c all-purpose flour1/2 c whole milk1-3/4 c water3 t yeast2 T sugar1-1/2 t salt2 T olive oil
Combine the milk and water in a large microwave-safe mixing cup or bowl.Warm the milk/water in the microwave until it is around 110° (it should be warm to the touch but not hot). Add your sugar and yeast. Stir to mix them in and let it sit for 5-7 minutes until the yeast is proofed.While the yeast is proofing, add your flours and salt to a large bowl and whisk together. When the yeast is ready, add yeast mixture and olive oil to the large bowl and mix together.Mix your dough together until it forms a single ball. The dough should be slightly tacky but not stick to your hands. If it is too dry, add small dribbles of water and keep working it until it is the right consistency. If too wet, add flour in small amounts.Knead the dough for 5-7 minutes or until it springs back when pressed with your fingers. You can also do a "windowpane test" to see if light shines through the dough when stretched.Coat the walls of the large bowl with olive oil and return the ball of dough to it to rise. Cover with a dampened towel and allow to rise for 75-90 minutes.Remove the dough from the bowl and form into a 9" square. Do not overwork the dough at this stage.Cut the dough into the number of loaves you need. Pinch the ends in and form the loaves into their shape.Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray or butter a baking sheet. Place dough onto the baking sheet.Using a sharp knife, score the bread along the top in even intervals.Cover the baking sheet with the damp towel and allow to rise for another 75-90 minutes.Preheat oven to 350°.Brush melted, unsalted butter over the top of your loaves or do an egg wash. Crack some fresh salt or sprinkle some salt over them as well. Place loaves into the oven and throw a handful of ice cubes into the bottom of your oven.Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the bread is nicely browned on the top.Remove and allow to cool.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Lament V2," and "Inspiration" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Cinematic Violin Music" from Yash Juneja on YouTube, used with permission. Please subscribe to the channel at!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Buttermilk Chicken & Waffles with Honey Garlic Sriracha Maple Syrup
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome back to another week of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week on the show, some announcements about what's to come in 2021 including a new segment and the 5th Livestream for the Cure (the link is down below). I talk about my struggle with being "in my head" and dealing with self-doubt before we get into a recipe for rangoons two ways. In the featured recipe this week we're talking about Buttermilk Chicken & Waffles with my homemade garlic honey sriracha maple syrup- if you love sweet, savory, and spicy all in one bite, you have to tune in to this. Thank you all so much for listening and Happy New Year! I'm so excited to see where our journey takes us together this year.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
34:21 - Intro36:14 - Step One (Chicken)37:24 - Step Two (Making the Waffles)41:01 - Step Three (Making the Syrup)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
2 lbs of chicken drumsticks or chicken breast filets1 c buttermilk1/4 c srirachaSalt pepper1/2 c all-purpose Flour1/4 c cornstarch1 c panko bread crumbs3 eggsPeanut Oil (if you are deep frying)
About 3-4 days before cooking day, place your chicken in a large bowl or re-sealable bag. Mix together buttermilk and sriracha and add salt and pepper, then pour the mixture over the chicken and toss until well-coated. Cover/seal the chicken and allow to marinate for three days.
Combine flour and corn starch. Add your flour mix, eggs, and panko to three separate bowls. Add salt and pepper to the flour mix and mix to combine (add any other dry seasonings you'd like to the flour as well).Remove your chicken from the bag/bowl a piece at a time and shake off excess buttermilk.Cover your chicken in flour, then dredge in the egg mixture, then coat in the panko. Set the coated chicken aside on a plate or platter for 10 minutes or so for the coating to stick and excess to drip off.If you are frying, bring your oil to 350°. Fry the chicken for 12-15 minutes (drumsticks) or 6-8 minutes (filets) and remove; finish in the oven as necessary. If you are shallow-frying be sure to turn it every 2 minutes or so.If you are air-frying, set temperature to 375°. Air-fry the drumsticks for 22-25 minutes, the filets for 13-15 minutes.
1-1/2 c all-purpose flour1/2 c almond flour2 t baking powder1/2 t salt2 eggs1/2 c melted butter1/8 to 1/4 c sriracha2 T honey1 t pure vanilla extract1-2 c buttermilk (or more depending on how thin you want your batter)
Add melted butter, eggs, honey, and sriracha together in a bowl and blend together (make sure the butter isn't still hot when combining with the eggs or you'll start to cook them).Add vanilla. Add flours together in a separate bowl and add baking powder and salt. Mix together.Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients.Mix in buttermilk, stirring only until combined. You may need additional buttermilk up to another 1/4 to 1/2 c depending on how thin you want the batter, also depends how much sriracha you went with. (Note: You can use normal milk here in place of buttermilk as well, but start with half and increase gradually as it will thin out your batter much faster with less). Cook on a waffle iron until nice and crispy, 2 to 2-1/2 minutes per side.
1 cup dark brown sugar1 cup white sugar2 cups water1 cup maple syrup1/4 cup sriracha1 cup honey10-15 cloves of garlic, chopped
Add dark brown sugar, white sugar, water, and garlic to a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat and begin to reduce. Reduce this until it hits about 2 cups. It'll let you know when it is done reducing- it'll stop "simmering" like liquid and it'll start foaming a lot. At this point remove from heat, add the maple syrup, honey, and sriracha. Return to heat and let it come back to a boil, stirring regularly. Let it come together for just a minute, then remove it from the heat.
To serve, plate a waffle and then add your chicken. Drizzle with the homemade syrup and then sprinkle with chopped scallions (if desired).
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Lament V2," and "Understand" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Cinematic Violin Music" from Yash Juneja on YouTube, used with permission. Please subscribe to the channel at!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Flour-less Lemon Pudding & Flexibility
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Hi everyone!! Welcome back to another week of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week on the show, we talk about flexibility, and I talk about finally nailing a homemade bread recipe. The featured recipe this week is adapted from the cooking blog at for her Luscious Lemon Pudding! Thank you so much for tuning in, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Check out Jo's original recipe for lemon pudding at out this week's featured recipe post at!
Featured Recipe Timecodes
26:30 - Intro29:14 - Step One (Ingredients)30:07 - Step Two (Preparing your Ramekins/Cocottes)30:59 - Step Three (Making the Pudding)33:03 - Step Four (Baking)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
~| Recipe is adapted from |~
3/4 c white sugar2 T corn starch4 eggs, separated1/4 c melted unsalted butter2 T lemon zest3/4 c fresh-squeezed lemon juice1-1/2 cups whole milk (I used a can of evaporated whole milk here)
Preheat oven to 350°.Butter your cocottes and set aside. I used 4-12 oz cocottes and it held everything fine. The original recipe calls for either an 8-inch square glass baking dish or six ramekins. The pudding will have more of that top "cakey" texture to it if you use the ramekins since they are typically 8 oz. Go with what you're looking for more in this dessert.Combine the corn starch and sugar in a bowl and whisk together; set aside.Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer for several minutes until stiff peaks form and transfer them to another bowl for later use.Add egg yolks into the bowl you used to beat the egg whites. Beat on mid-high until the yolk is thickened and lightened in color (please note, use a high-walled bowl for this, if you have a shallow bowl it will splash out quite a bit). Reduce speed to medium and add your butter, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Beat for another minute.Continue beating at medium and add in your corn starch mixture and milk, adding a little of each and alternating as you go (so add corn starch mix, milk, corn starch mix, etc). You should have 5 total additions of corn starch mix v. 4 total additions of milk. Fold in the egg whites, mixing just until incorporated.Spoon your pudding mixture into the prepared cocottes (I ended up with about 1-1/2 cups per).Place the cocottes inside of a 9x13 baking dish (I had to use two). Fill the baking dish halfway up with hot water.Bake in the oven for 55 minutes or until nicely golden on the top. Remove from the oven and cool.
~| I'd be curious to try this recipe with the smaller ramekins as noted in the original recipe because I think it would also be very good to have more of a cakey texture on the top. As it is this turned out wonderfully but I bumped up the lemon juice and corn starch and reduced the sugar; I can't imagine how sweet this must be if you make it as noted. Please note if you want to use flour instead of corn starch, just double the amount of flour to 4T. This has a wonderfully tart lemon flavor to it but it's sweet enough to mute the tartness. It also finishes very light and doesn't feel like a super heavy dessert. |~
~| I will also note that I think I over-whipped my meringue so it didn't fold in quite so easily, so I had to grab a whisk and give it a quick whip so it was consistent throughout. Be careful not to do this. |~
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Aeon," "Always," and "Trust" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Facing your Fears & My Weight Loss Journey
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week I didn't do a lot of cooking, and in preparation for the holidays it has me reflecting on why I began this weight loss journey I'm on 18+ months ago, and why there's still so much that I fear about doing this show. For the featured recipe this week it is my protein smoothies, so there'll be no timestamps for that segment this week as it's really brief! Instead I hope you enjoy this look at who I am and enjoy learning some things about me. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Featured Recipe for this Episode
3 bananas1-1/2 cups frozen berries2-3 cups baby spinach1 cup fresh broccoli crowns1 cup almond milk2 cups whole milk6 scoops KOS protein powder2 scoops KOS peanut butter powder
Add all ingredients to a blender and blend them together well until thick and frothy.
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"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!
"June," "Trust," and "Inspiration" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Quick Bites - Dessert Bruschetta
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Welcome to another Quick Bite here from Nikoli's Kitchen! This week I'm making my Dessert Bruschetta, which is a recipe I concocted back during the RestauRant days and I made live on the air for Tricia & Siana of 2 Girls on a Bench during a fundraiser for the Epilepsy Foundation. Thank you so much for listening, and thank you for coming on this journey with me.
Please check out 2 Girls on a Bench, a hilarious comedy podcast from the amazing Tricia & Siana, at!To make a donation to the Epilepsy Foundation, you can do so at
Dessert Bruschetta Recipe-
3 c strawberries, finely chopped1/2 c fresh mint leaves, chopped1/2 c raspberries, crushed1 loaf Angel Food Cake1 stick unsalted butter, softenedSugar to taste (maybe 1T or 2T)Balsamic Reduction (if desired)
Chop the strawberries, then crush the raspberries into them. Add sugar, if desired. Mix together and refrigerate until ready to use.Chop the mint leaves.Slice Angel Food Cake into 1/2" slices.Butter the slices on both sides generously.Warm a skillet or electric flat-top griddle to medium and toast the slices on both sides. Add strawberry/raspberry mixture onto toasted cake.Sprinkle with fresh mint leaves.Drizzle a small amount of balsamic reduction over the toast.Serve immediately.
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"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Kitchen Failures & Apple Cinnamon Cookies
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week... we fail. I'm going to talk a lot about how much I failed in the kitchen this past week and what that has taught me- and how even when we fail (or succeed) we should never stop trying to better ourselves. Stay tuned to hear how my attempts at French bread and a French Dip sandwich turned out, and then in the featured recipe, we talk about Apple Cinnamon Cookies! Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
27:40 - Intro30:35 - Step One (Ingredients)31:33 - Step Two (Preparing the Dough)33:40 - Step Three (Baking the Cookies)34:28 - Step Four (Workshopping for the Future)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
3 c apples, finely chopped2 T white sugarlemon juice
1/2 c chopped pecans if desired1/2 c unsalted butter, softened1/2 c white sugar1 c dark brown sugar3 eggs3/4 t vanilla extract2-1/2 c all-purpose flour2 t baking soda2 t baking powder1 t salt1 T cinnamon1/4 t ground nutmeg1/4 t ground allspicecloves to taste
1/2 c light brown sugar (set aside)
Preheat oven to 375°.Finely chop the apples and add to a bowl with the 2 T white sugar to draw out some of the water. Squeeze the lemon juice into them to prevent browning. Set aside and let sit for an hour or two (or more- mine sat for 3-4 hours while I made other cookies and were fine).
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until smooth.Add the eggs one at a time, mixing until incorporated.Add vanilla extract and stir to combine.Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and spices into a separate bowl and whisk to combine.Drain the water off the apples and combine the apples, the wet mixture, the dry mixture, and nuts (if desired) in a large bowl.
Scoop the dough into roughly ball-shaped clumps and roll in the light brown sugar and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.Bake 10-13 minutes or until set and just starting to brown on the top. Remove and allow to cool.
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"Aeon" and "Trust" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Dec 07, 2020
French Onion Soup from Scratch!
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Welcome everyone to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! I am so sorry for the lateness of this week's episode but unfortunately editing day was a really tough day for me and I couldn't get it out in time. Please enjoy this week's episode talking all things French Onion Soup and the importance of patience. Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with me.
Mentioned in the show, please check out Ann Reardon at and check out Yoga with Adriene at!
Please check out Stories of Yore and Yours (soon to be Ink & Ash) by Shawn Ennis at
Featured Recipe Timecodes
22:00 - Intro23:02 - Step One (Ingredients & Prep)24:09 - Step Two (Cooking the Onions)25:21 - Step Three (Making your Soup Base & Reducing)29:02 - Step Four (Crostinis & Baking)29:53 - Step Five (Finishing in the Oven)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
2 lbs of red onions, halved and chopped3 lbs of sweet yellow onions, halved and chopped3/4 cup of herbed butterSaltFresh cracked black pepper6 cups of red wine10 cups beef broth (I made my broth with "Better than Bouillon" beef stock base)1 T cornstarchAromatics to add during reduction phase (if desired)
Add herbed butter to a large stock pot or dutch oven on medium-low heat and allow to melt.Add your onions and stir until well-coated. Cook for 15 minutes, covered. Sprinkle some salt over the onions as they get going to start sweating them.Add half of the wine, salt and a good amount of fresh cracked black pepper. Return to the stove, un-covered, and cook at mid-low for 20-30 minutes or until the liquid is gone.Add the remainder of your wine and continue cooking until the liquid is reduced again. The onions should be soft and jammy at this point with a rich, earthy flavor.Add cornstarch. Stir until incorporated and cook for a minute or two. Add beef broth. If you want to add any additional aromatics or herbs, add them here too.
Partially cover the pan and cook for 2-3 hours on medium-low heat. The soup should be gently simmering. If it's not, slowly bump your heat up until it is. Not all stoves are created equal, and sometimes the pot you're using makes the difference. You want to continue reducing this until your broth reaches the flavor/consistency you want. Make sure your onions don't go too far either.
Remove any aromatics/herb bundles/etc you added. Season the soup to taste here. Now you'll need-
Soup cocottes (as many as you have people to serve)A large loaf of French bread/baguetteShredded gruyere cheese
Slice your French bread in 3/4" thick slices. Cut enough slices to fill the top of the cocottes (my baguette took 3 slices per). Butter both sides and toast under the broiler on each side for a couple minutes. Turn your oven to 350 degrees.Ladle your soup into the cocottes.Add crostinis to the cocottes.Cover the top of each crock generously with shredded gruyere cheese (you can also add a nice slice of mozzarella on top as well, I didn't put an amount for cheese as it depends how many of these you're making).
Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese is thoroughly melted. Turn the broiler on and brown the cheese.
Remove from the oven and serve.
Important Links
Main Link: https://nikoliskitchen.comApple Podcasts: Podcasts: Radio: URL: Page: Seating Group:
"Aeon," "Always," "Inspiration," "Starlight Memories," and "Snowfall" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Quick Bites - Cranberry Sauce
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome to another Quick Bite! In this short, I'll be talking about the process of making my homemade cranberry sauce and about the endless debate between canned and homemade! Thank you so much for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Ingredients List-
1/2 c dark sugar (more or less to taste)2 large oranges, zested and juiced (1 cup of juice) 2 lemons, zested and juiced1 cup white wine1 cinnamon stick5 cups fresh cranberries, rinsed
Bring everything but cranberries to a boil over medium heat.Add cranberries and cook until reduced and thickened.Strain through a wire mesh colander to remove the skins.Transfer to a dish to cool.
Important Links
Main Link: https://nikoliskitchen.comApple Podcasts: Podcasts: URL: Page: Seating Group:
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Salmon with a Lemon Dill Herbed Butter
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome to another new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! In this week's episode I talk about giving up and what that means to me, I recap my Thanksgiving dinner and how everything went, and this week's featured recipe breakdown is an herbed butter salmon with a lemon dill herbed butter. Please do me a favor and head over to Apple Podcasts (link is down below) and leave the show a review if you are enjoying it! Thank you for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Featured Recipe Timecodes
21:12 - Intro23:14 - Step One (Dill Herbed Butter)26:05 - Step Two (Prepping your Pan)27:10 - Step Three (Cooking the Fish)
Featured Recipe for this Episode
8 ounce salmon fillets, 3/4" thick1 stick of butter3 T dill1 clove of garlic1 T sage1 T parsleyCracked black pepperSaltZest of 1 lemonWax paper8-10 sprigs of dill1 lemonOlive oil
Let the butter get about halfway to room temperature and add it to a large bowl.Finely chop the dill, garlic, sage, and parsley and add to the large bowl.Add the salt, pepper, and lemon zest.Using a wooden utensil or something else (not your hands!), combine all of the herbs with the butter and mix until well-incorporated.Transfer the butter to wax paper and press it flatter.Fold the wax paper over and then press the butter into a thin layer (around 1/8" maximum). Refrigerate until it is ready to use.
Pre-heat the oven to 375°. Using a baking sheet, arrange dill sprigs so they form a "bed" of sorts for the salmon.Halve your lemon and cut two slices off each end (you should still have about 1/4 of the lemon left between the two ends). Place these on the bed of dill where your fish will go.
Add olive oil to a large skillet.Season the salmon fillets with salt and cracked black pepper, skin side up. Sear on mid-high for 2-1/2 minutes until nicely browned.Remove from the pan and place onto the baking sheet atop the lemon slices, skin side down.Cut your flattened herbed butter into "sheets" that are approximately the same size as your salmon filets. Peel off the wax paper and place the butter sheet on top of the fish. Bake at 375° for 12-15 minutes (depending on size/thickness). Fish should flake off the skin perfectly when done.Remove from the oven and rest for 5-7 minutes.
Important Links
Main Link: https://nikoliskitchen.comApple Podcasts: Podcasts: URL: Page: Seating Group:
"Aeon," and "Starlight Memories," by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!