Nikoli’s Kitchen
Welcome everyone! This show is all about my journey of positivity and scratch-made food, inside the kitchen and out. I’m not a chef, I’m just someone extremely passionate about food and trying to make the world a better place, one dish at a time. Every episode, I’ll talk about what’s happening in my world to try to help people, and I’ll share a featured recipe for you to make at home. Thank you so much for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.

Monday Apr 05, 2021
The Ultimate Comfort Food! Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes!
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week on the show I'm talking about the beginning of Spring and how that can be the beginning of a new journey for some people. But how do you begin that journey? By taking the first step. I talk about my own experiences with this before I get into the featured recipe breakdown of meatloaf & mashed potatoes! The ultimate in American comfort food! Thank you all so so much for listening and for supporting me on this journey. I hope you have an absolutely beautiful week and that you are somewhere warm where you can take advantage of this gorgeous weather.
For the past four years I've been honored to host the Livestream for the Cure, a charity that raises money for the Cancer Research Institute and for cancer immunotherapy, which is training the body's immune system to fight cancer. Since then I, with my co-hosts on Epic Film Guys, have raised over $30,000 thanks to amazing podcast partners and content creators who give their time and money to be part of the event. This year's event is our fifth, and we're looking to add $15,000 to that total, our biggest single year goal to date. Please tune in May 19th - 23rd for 50+ hours of content from podcast partners and creators around the world. Learn more at
Please pick up a shirt and help support the 5th Annual Livestream for the Cure at! All proceeds go toward our goal of a future #Immune2Cancer! They are only available through the end of April, so get one today!
Pick up a mug and help support the Livestream for the Cure at! All proceeds go toward the goal of a future Immune to Cancer!
Promos this week from Ignorance Was Bliss and Malice, which can be found at and, both of whom will be part of the 5th Annual Livestream for the Cure!
Featured Recipe Timecodes
19:55 - Introduction24:32 - Meatloaf Ingredients25:33 - Making the Meatloaf27:27 - Meatloaf Glaze30:22 - Mashed Potatoes
Featured Recipes for this Episode (Meatloaf glaze updated 08/18/2021)
Homemade Mashed Potatoes
5 lbs russett potatoes1 sweet onion (if desired)1 bulb of garlic (if desired)1 stick of butter, cut lengthwise and then into 8 slices so you have 16 chunks- and keep it cold until ready to use2 cups heavy cream 1/4 cup milkSalt & pepper to taste (I like a lot of pepper)
Peel & cube potatoes (halve them lengthwise, then again, and then chop the quartered potatoes into 4 equal-sized chunks to get 16 per spud).Peel and quarter onion.Smash and roughly chop your garlic cloves.Bring salted water to a boil (you don't need this to be overly saltly as your potatoes will take on the salt, and you don't want to over-salt them).Add potatoes, onion, and garlic.Cook until potatoes are soft and drain.Add milk & cream to pot and bring to simmer at mid-low (you don't want to scorch it but get it hot). Turn off right when it comes to a simmer around the edges of the pan. Hand-mash potatoes or put through a ricer into a large bowl.Add cold butter and half of your cream/milk and mix only until combined with a large spoon/spatula. Add more cream/milk until you reach the desired consistency.Add finishing salt & pepper to taste (and any other seasonings).
4 lbs ground beef2/3 sleeve of saltine crackers, crushed (about 1 cup)4 T unsalted butter1 c red wine1 T dark brown sugar1 red or yellow onion, finely diced10 cloves garlic, finely minced3 eggsSalt (to taste, I used about 1 T)Pepper (to taste, I used about 2 T)1/2 c ketchup (no high-fructose corn syrup)1/4 c Worcestershire sauce1 t fresh rosemary, chopped1 t fresh thyme, chopped
1/2 c ketchup2 T dark brown sugar2 T Worcestershire Sauce3 c (remainder of the bottle) dry red wine
~| Prepare your glaze while you work on sauteeing the onions. |~
Add 3 c of red wine to a large skillet and bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring periodically.Reduce red wine overall to about 1/3 of a cup. This can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes depending on the size of your skillet. You'll notice as it reaches the finished stage it'll stop simmering and kind of "foam" up. This is when you want to remove it from the heat.Combine your ketchup, dark brown sugar, red wine syrup, and Worcestershire Sauce in a bowl and mix until well-combined. Set aside until your meatloaf is assembled and ready for the oven.
Add butter to a large skillet over mid heat.Add your onions and sprinkle with salt to begin sweating them down.Add brown sugar and red wine and stir to combine.Cover and reduce heat to low and saute for 15-20 minutes until softened.Remove cover and return to mid heat.Cook off the remaining moisture (be careful not to let your onions burn) and then add the garlic. Cook for 1-2 minutes until perfumed.Remove pan from stove and allow to cool.
Preheat the oven to 350°.Add your ground beef, onion/garlic mixture, eggs, ketchup, crackers, and Worcestershire sauce to a large bowl.Add salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme.Mix together all ingredients until well-combined.Place into a large loaf pan and bake for 45 minutes, topping with the glaze every 15 minutes (should have enough for 3x).At the end, turn on the broiler and broil the top for 5 minutes to caramelize.Remove from the oven and allow to rest 10 minutes or so before serving.
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Guest Appearances
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
I had the pleasure of heading to InSessionFilm to talk with JD and Ryan about Zack Snyder's Justice League! Check out our in-depth discussion at!
It was such a joy to go back home again and sit down with Justin and LoySauce to talk about Zack Snyder's Justice League! Tune in to the conversation at!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!
"Ambiment," "Shadowed," "Empty Bones," and "Tears" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Being Honest with Myself & Lime Tart from SCRATCH!
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! My sincere apologies for missing a regular episode last week but I was just out of time and not in the headspace to record, and the show requires a certain amount of honesty that I just couldn't deliver. But I'm back now with a homemade lime tart that I didn't properly plan for, so in this week's positivity segment I talk about planning in the kitchen and the need to step back and think. Then, in the featured recipe segment I break down the tart and the lime curd, as well as some plans for what I'm going to do next time. Thank you all so much for listening to the show, and don't miss next week as we talk about meatloaf & mashed potatoes!
Please tune into Brad at The Cinema Guys to hear all about his love of movies with Justin and the Cinemaiden! You can find it at You can also listen to his healthy journey with his wife Kara at I'll Get a Burger, which is currently on hiatus, but you can find it at
This week's promo is 2 Girls on a Bench! Tricia and Siana are amazing and hilarious! Please check them out at!
This week's featured recipe features adaptations of the lemon curd from and the tart crust recipe from
Featured Recipe Timecodes
24:42 - Introduction26:05 - Lime Curd28:00 - Tart Crust29:43 - Making the Lime Tart31:11 - Changes for the Future
Featured Recipe for this Episode
Homemade Lime Tart!
~| Lime curd recipe is based on |~~| Tart crust recipe is based on |~
Lime Curd
1/2 c fresh lime juice or key lime juice1 c white sugar6 egg yolks1/2 t saltzest of 2 limes1/2 c (1 stick) of cold unsalted butter, cut into 16 equal pieces
Mix lime juice, sugar, and egg yolks together in a medium saucepan.Place over mid-low heat and stir constantly until it starts to thicken (10-15 minutes, and do NOT follow the instructions on the blog; if you cook this at mid-high heat it will start burning within minutes, even if you're constantly stirring it).Once it starts to thicken, take a stick blender and pulse it to get rid of any lumps and make it as smooth as possible.Continue cooking until you can run a clear trail through the curd with your spoon that will quickly disappear. Remove from heat and add the zest, salt, and butter a few chunks at a time. Stir until the butter is completely incorporated.Cool to room temperature and then transfer to a jar and refrigerate.
Tart Crust
1-1/4 c all-purpose flour1/2 c icing sugar or 1/4 c white sugar1/4 t salt1/2 c cold unsalted butter, cut into 16 equal pieces1 egg yolk2 T heavy cream1 t vanilla extract
Add flour, sugar, and salt into a food processor and pulse for a few seconds until combined.Add butter and pulse until it becomes crumbly, 20-25 pulses.Add egg yolk, cream, and vanilla extract. Continue pulsing until the dough starts to clump together, about 10-15 seconds (you don't want this to form a ball of dough in the processor- it should just be making large clumps).Tip your dough out onto a floured work surface and form it into a ball (should be pliable but not sticky).Flatten ball with your hand to form a thick disc (about 1" to 1-1/2", about a hockey puck in size and thickness). Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour.When you're ready to roll out your dough, remove from the fridge and let it soften for a few minutes.Flour your work surface and roll out to an 11" circle and place into a 9" tart pan with a removable bottom.Wrap the pan in plastic wrap and freeze for 30 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 350°.
~| The first time I ever did this, I added my lime curd to the crust and baked it for about 35 minutes at 375°. I would not recommend doing this. While it did turn out "good" in the end, I feel like the curd itself was overdone and lost some of its delicacy in the process. |~
Bake crust with pie weights for 15 minutes (the original blog recommends wrapping the crust edges in foil, but even for 35 minutes at 375° my edges didn't burn, but the shell was full the entire time so I don't know that it needs this).Remove from oven and add your lime curd to the shell.Return to the oven and bake for another 15 minutes. You will see some bubbling around the edges of your tart especially but remember the curd is cooked at this stage so you don't need to cook it for a terribly long time.Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.
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Guest Appearances
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
I had the pleasure of heading to InSessionFilm to talk with JD and Ryan about Zack Snyder's Justice League! Check out our in-depth discussion at!
It was such a joy to go back home again and sit down with Justin and LoySauce to talk about Zack Snyder's Justice League! Tune in to the conversation at!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!
"Understand," and "Inspiration" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Quick Bites - Honey Garlic Wing Sauce
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome back to another Quick Bite from Nikoli's Kitchen! Please accept my sincerest apology for no Monday episode, but I've been so busy of late that I just couldn't get a moment in to record it and I just wasn't in the headspace to put it down. I didn't want to go too long without releasing any content though, so I hope you enjoy this Quick Bite as I break down my recipe for Honey Garlic Wing Sauce, which was the backbone of two sauces going out to my top tier patrons as part of their VIP Rewards. Thank you all so much for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Honey Garlic Wing Sauce
1-1/4 c Red Hot6 cloves garlic, finely minced1/4 c honey2 sticks (1 c) unsalted butter
Melt the butter over mid-low heat and add the garlic. Allow to slowly simmer for a few minutes to perfume.Add the red hot and honey. Mix well to combine.Cook over mid-low heat for 7-10 minutes or until well-incorporated.Use a stick blender and blend the wing sauce until smooth.Remove from the heat and allow to cool, then bottle for future use.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
I had the pleasure of heading to InSessionFilm to talk with JD and Ryan about Zack Snyder's Justice League! Check out our in-depth discussion at!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Quick Bites - Scratch-made Margaritas!
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Welcome back everyone to another quick bite here from Nikoli's Kitchen, or maybe I should say... quick sip? I'm featuring my first-ever cocktail recipe this week on the show as I break down my full recipe for scratch-made margaritas. If you're someone like me who suffers from acid reflux and can find margaritas made with straight lime juice a little tough on your digestive system, this recipe is the cure for what ails you. Enjoy a couple of these! Cheers and thank you for listening!
Margaritas from Scratch!
2 oz tequila2 oz margarita mix1 oz triple seciceMargarita salt
Margarita Mix is-1-1/4 c fresh-squeeze lime juice1/4 c Agave syrup3/4 c water
Add lime juice, agave syrup, and water to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and chill (you don't need to cook this or cook any of it off for that matter).
Get two small plates and fill one with enough water to cover the bottom.Fill the other plate with enough margarita salt (usually including citrus and lime, etc) to cover the bottom.Dip the edge of a glass in water and then the salt so it sticks to the rim.Add fresh ice to the glass.
Combine tequila, margarita mix, and triple sec in a cocktail shaker full of ice and shake together.Pour over the fresh ice into the glass and serve!
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Puff Pastry from SCRATCH! to Homemade Baked Brie!
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week I pulled a last-minute swerve and instead of talking about Top Round, I opted to make my own puff pastry and turn that into baked brie topped with a decadent blueberry compote and candied pecans. It was a long and tough journey at times, but I really think if you've never tried making your own puff pastry before you definitely need to. Also this week, I talk about this month's patreon charity- the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- and what it meant to watch the film Brittany Runs a Marathon.
The original Puff Pastry recipe can be found at I followed it pretty much to the letter, aside from not having a pastry scraper!
If you or someone you know is experiencing crisis, don't wait. You are not alone and there is help available. Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at ## 800-273-8255.
This week's promo: Brook Reading Podcast
Featured Recipe Timecodes
24:00 - Introduction25:35 - Homemade Puff Pastry31:26 - Baked Brie33:22 - Blueberry Compote34:22 - Candied Pecans
Featured Recipe for this Episode
Puff Pastry
This recipe is from In the blog she goes much more in-depth about the process of making it so please check it out!
2 c all-purpose flour 1 t salt2/3 c ice water1 c or 2 sticks unsalted butter
Combine your flour and salt together and then form into a mound on your workspace/counter. Form a trough down the center. Sprinkle 1 T of water into the trough and begin fluffing the dough with your fingers, scooping it up between them. Continue this process until the flour clumps together in large pieces and holds together when pressed. The idea here is not to form a lot of gluten, so you're not trying to combine these and work this dough together like a normal bread dough.Press the lean dough into a square and wrap in plastic. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.Cut your sticks of butter in half lengthwise, and then halve those two pieces so you have four shorter, flatter sticks of butter from each stick.Sprinkle with 1 t of flour and begin pounding the butter with a French rolling pin to soften it. Once flattened, use a pastry scraper to gather it up into a mound again and sprinkle with another t of flour. Continue repeating this until the butter is pliable and does not break when you fold it over onto itself. NOTE: it is very important not to touch the butter with your hands if you can help it because it will melt from your body heat.Form the block of butter into a 4" square and wrap in plastic. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.Roll out your lean dough into a 7-inch square.Place the butter block at a 90-degree angle to the dough and fold over the corners so they meet in the middle. Pinch your seams closed.Flip the dough over so the seams are down. Roll it out into a rectangle roughly 12" x 6". Fold the top third over, then fold the bottom third over, like you're folding a letter. Turn the folded dough 90 degrees and roll it out again into a 12" x 6" rectangle and fold it again. Re-wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.Repeat this process again 2 more times and refrigerate it again for another 30 minutes.Repeat this process two final times. Wrap the dough- which should be quite smooth and easy to roll out- and refrigerate for an hour (or overnight).
Blueberry Compote
1 pint (approx 11 oz) blueberriesZest & Juice of 2 lemons1/3 c light brown sugar
Add these ingredients to a saucepan and bring to a simmer over mid heat.Reduce heat to mid-low and cover, simmering for 15-20 minutes or until very soft.Remove the cover and return heat to mid. Cook for another 5-10 minutes or until your liquid thickens. You don't want to cook off all the liquid here.Remove from heat and allow to cool, then transfer to a container to refrigerate.
Candied Pecans
4 c pecans, shelled and halved1/2 c light brown sugar1 T cinnamon1 egg white1 t vanilla extract1 T water
Preheat the oven to 300°.Begin by combining your egg white, vanilla, and water in a bowl. Whip these into a meringue with a hand mixer or whisk until stiff peaks form.Add your pecans and toss them gently until well-coated.In a separate bowl, combine the cinnamon and brown sugar and then add this to the pecans, again tossing them to gently coat them.Line a baking tray with parchment paper and layer your pecans in a single layer.Bake for 40 minutes at 300°. At 20 minutes, stir them around. Allow to cool and then store in an air-tight container.
Baked Brie
Puff Pastry Dough16 oz BrieEgg yolkWater
Preheat the oven to 425°.Roll out your puff pastry to approx 1/8" thick.Place the brie at the center of the pastry. Trim off any excess pastry and fold in the corners to the center of the cheese, pinching the seams shut as you go (a little water can help with this). You don't want to overlap too much of your dough as it won't get cooked through before everything else is done.Combine egg yolk and water in a small bowl and brush over the pastry. Use any excess dough you have to make small pastries to dip in your baked brie.Bake for 10 minutes at 425°, then reduce the heat to 375° and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes or until the pastry is a nice, dark, golden brown color.
Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes.Top with blueberry compote and candied pecans and enjoy!
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!
"Aeon," "Ali," and "Starlight Memories" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Chrusties FOUR WAYS and What is Friendship?
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! Today in the kitchen I'm baking up Chrusties! Yes, I did talk about these in a previous Quick Bite, but I love these so much I had to try a few different variations of them. So in this week's episode you'll get not one, not two, not three, but FOUR different variations of Chrusties- including one that was a pretty spectacular failure. Also this week, after Rebecca suggested talking about Friendship for the positivity segment, I decided to go into what friendship truly means to me. Thank you all so much for listening, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
The original Lemon Curd recipe can be found at:
This week's promo: Varmints! Podcast
Featured Recipe Timecodes
20:53 - Introduction (General Rules/Tips)22:33 - Breakfast Chrusties25:06 - Margherita Chrusties27:52 - Buffalo Chicken Dip Chrusties33:43 - Blueberry Lemon Curd Chrusties
Featured Recipe for this Episode
All of these recipes require one pizza dough and bake at the same temperature. Pre-heat your oven to 400° and spray your baking tray with cooking spray. Roll out the pizza dough into a large rectangular shape, then follow the instructions for the variations below (or come up with your own!).
The Chrusties will bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown all around. A tight roll is key! Make sure you roll it as tight as you can and tuck in the ends when you roll it, then seal it.
Sausage, Egg, and Cheese
8 oz cheddar cheese, shreddedScrambled Eggs (about 8 eggs)Breakfast Sausage, seared and finely choppedScallions4 T or 1/2 stick of butter at room temperatureCracked black pepperSalt
Spread your butter across the dough.Layer your cheddar cheese, then your eggs and sausage. Add scallions, black pepper, and salt to taste.
6 roma tomatoes, finely chopped10-12 cloves of garlic, finely chopped2 cups basil leaves, roughly chopped4 c shredded mozzarella cheese4 T or 1/2 stick of butter at room temperatureCracked black pepperSalt
Prepare your tomatoes and garlic ahead of time by chopping them and then place them in a container with salt to taste. This will draw the water out of the tomatoes and make your Chrustie filling less "wet" in the end. Drain out as much liquid as you can from your container, then add a paper towel folded into the container. Re-seal it and flip it over so your tomatoes sit on top of it to drain out even more. Repeat as necessary.Spread the butter across the dough.Layer your mozzarella cheese, then your tomatoes, garlic, and basil. Add black pepper to taste (your tomatoes should be adequately salted from the previous step).
Buffalo Chicken Dip
4 oz cream cheese at room temperature4 T or 1/2 stick of butter at room temperature1/4 c bleu cheese crumbles3 chicken breasts, pan-seared8 oz cheddar cheese, shreddedCracked black pepperSalt
2 c red hot1 red onion, diced12 cloves garlic, finely chopped4 T or 1/2 stick of butter1/4 c dark brown sugarSalt and pepper to taste
Combine your cream cheese and butter at room temperature in a bowl and whip them together with an electric mixer.Spread the cream cheese/butter mix out in an even coating over your dough.Roughly chop your chicken breasts into 10 or so large chunks.Add chicken to a food processor and pulse a couple times until shredded.Layer your cheddar cheese and chicken breasts over the dough. Add bleu cheese, then add salt and pepper to taste.
Add butter to a large skillet at medium heat. Once melted, add your onions and sprinkle salt to start sweating them. Add brown sugar, reduce your heat to low, and stir. Cover the skillet and let the onions saute for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and soft.Return heat to medium and add garlic. Cook for a minute to perfume. Add red hot. Stir together with onions and garlic and cook until thickened, should only take about 5 minutes. Add black pepper and salt to taste.
Blueberry Lemon Cream Cheese w/ Lemon Icing
4 oz cream cheese at room temperature4 T or 1/2 stick of butter at room temperature1 pint blueberries1/4 c white wine2 T white sugar2 c lemon curd
4 T or 1/2 stick of butter, melted2 c icing sugar1 t pure vanilla extract4 T lemon juiceHot water as needed to thin
~| I'm posting this recipe with the others in the interest of transparency. I do not recommend replicating the steps here as my Chrusties were a complete fail; I want to make sure to record it now, though, so I can continue to workshop this idea in the future. |~
~| Lemon curd recipe followed EXACTLY from |~
Add your blueberries, wine, and sugar to a large saucepan.Cook over medium heat until the blueberries are reduced into a compote, 15-20 minutes.Combine your cream cheese and butter at room temperature in a bowl and whip them together with an electric mixer.In diagonal stripes, alternate rows of cream cheese/butter, blueberry compote, and lemon curd across the dough.Roll tightly.
Add the melted butter, vanilla and lemon juice into a large bowl and mix together. Begin adding your icing sugar 1/2 c at a time, adding more once the previous sugar is incorporated.Once all the sugar is added, add hot water to thin to desired consistency.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
I got to channel my inner book nerd and sit down with Melissa of Brook Reading to talk about Eugene O'Neill's "A Long Day's Journey into Night!" It was split up over two episodes you can find at and!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!
"Aeon," and "June" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Table for Two - Chicken Tikka Masala with Dan of Netflix 'n Swill
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
EDITING NOTE: I had to re-upload because I forgot the intro!
Welcome everyone to a brand new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen and also the first-ever episode of Table for Two! In this new series I'm going to ask one of my favorite creators or podcasters to give me a dish to make, and then bring them on the air to talk about the dish and their experience making it as well as their experiences in the kitchen as a whole. In this inaugural episode I'm thrilled to be joined by a very good friend, Dan of Netflix 'n Swill, who gave me a Chicken Tikka Masala recipe and actually made it live during our discussion! This was such a great time, and I really hope you enjoy the episode. I will be releasing the full uncut version of this discussion which went for nearly two hours over on Patreon in the coming days, so stay tuned. Thank you so much for listening!
The recipe Dan sent me and based his own on can be found at!
Featured Recipe for this Episode
Marinade 1 c Greek Yogurt, plain Juice of 1 Lemon4 cloves of Garlic, finely chopped2 T Ginger, grated2 t Garam Masala1 t Hot Curry Sea Salt3 lbs boneless chicken thighs, cut into bite-sized chunks
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir well to combine. Place covered in the fridge overnight or for at least an hour.
Sauce 2 T Ghee or unsalted butter1/4 white wine, semi-dry or dry2 red onions, finely diced4 cloves of Garlic, grated2 T Ginger, grated1/2 t Turmeric1 t Ground coriander1 t Ground cumin1 t Garam Masala1 t Hot Mexican Chili Powder2 c Tomato Sauce1 c Heavy CreamHot Curry Sea Salt, to tasteCracked Black Pepper, to tasteCilantro to garnish
Bring a large skillet to mid-high heat and add your ghee or butter. Once the butter/ghee has melted (the butter should just be starting to brown), add your chicken in batches ensuring you do not crowd the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes per side until nicely browned and remove to a large bowl to rest. NOTE: Chicken does not need to be cooked through here as you'll be finishing it later.Add white wine to pan and reduce heat to mid. Deglaze the pan, being sure to mix up all of the stuck-on bits from the chicken (this is your flavor!).Add onions and begin to cook. Add some hot curry sea salt to sweat the onions. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until translucent and soft.Add ginger and garlic and saute for 30 seconds.Add turmeric, coriander, cumin, and garam masala. Cook for another 30 seconds.Add tomato sauce, hot chili powder, salt, and cracked black pepper.Reduce the heat to low and continue to cook, stirring occasionally until the tomato sauce thickens and begins turning a deep reddish brown, about 15-20 minutes.Add the chicken and heavy cream (being sure to add any juices from the chicken resting!) and stir to combine. Cook this for another 10 minutes until mixture is a burnt orange color and the sauce has thickened. Garnish with fresh cilantro and serve!
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Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Quick Bites - Cilantro Lime Salsa
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Good morning everyone and welcome to another quick bite from Nikoli's Kitchen! Not long ago I had a Mexican-themed weekend with my girlfriend and as part of that, I decided to make a homemade salsa! I know I've talked about homemade salsas before, but they are typically much chunkier like the corn & black bean salsa we talked about a few weeks ago. This one was a little different as I added a lot of cilantro & lime and pulsed it in the food processor for a smooth consistency. The result was amazing! Please give it a try and let me know what you thought of it over on social media. Thank you so much for giving the show a listen today, and thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Cilantro Lime Salsa
1 28-oz. can of diced tomatoes1 red onion, chopped1 sweet pepper, chopped1 bulb garlic, chopped2 Jalapeño peppers, chopped3 T cilantro, chopped2 limes, juicedSaltPepperSugar
Combine all fruit/vegetables and the lime juice in a food processor and pulse several times until combined to desired consistency.Add salt, pepper, and sugar to taste.
For spicier salsa, add some of the Jalapeño seeds or some hot sauce (I added 1 T of pineapple habanero hot sauce).
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I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Making Pasta from Scratch & Homemade Chicken Parmesan!
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! This week on the show I talk about toxic positivity and what my intentions are with the positivity segment on this show. With that comes a simple question- What's your Mirror? Also this week on the show, a full breakdown on making homemade pasta and homemade chicken parmesan, with every single element made from scratch. Thank you all so much for listening- including now on SPOTIFY! Find the link below!
Check out my good friend Gerald's show and vote in the Golden Peas awards before it's too late! You can do so at
Featured Recipe Timecodes
18:59 - Introduction20:44 - Homemade Pasta Recipe27:43 - Homemade Marinara Sauce30:56 - Panko-Crusted Parmesan Chicken
Featured Recipe for this Episode (Sauce updated 08/18/2021; Pasta updated 02/22/2022)
1 c semolina flour3/4 c all-purpose flour8 egg yolks3 T olive oil1/2 - 3/4 c red wine or water
Mound your semolina and all-purpose flours on the countertop and create a well in the center. The well should be wide enough and tall enough to hold all of your eggs and liquids.Add the egg yolks, olive oil, and half of the red wine/water (reserving the rest if you need it).Using a fork, begin stirring the mixture in the center, pulling in flour as you go to incorporate it. Once you reach a point where this becomes too difficult, remove the fork and begin cutting the remaining flour into your dough with your hands. Continue working the dough to incorporate all of the flour. If it is too dry or flaky, add the other 1 T of red wine. Once the dough has formed, knead it by pressing it out with the heel of your hand for 12-15 minutes or until the dough feels silky smooth.Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and rest for 30-60 minutes.Lightly flour your countertop.Cut the dough in thirds, keeping the remainder wrapped until you are ready to use it. Using a rolling pin, continue working the dough and roll it out into a long rectangular shape. Turn it over and continue working it as necessary. You want the dough to be relatively thin.Once rolled out to desired thickness, lightly dust the flattened dough with flour and fold it over itself over and over in 3" sections or so.Using a sharp knife, cut very small strips out of the dough and unwrap them to make your pasta noodles.Repeat using the remainder of your dough.
Place a large pot of boiling water on the stove and add salt to taste.Once the water reaches a rolling boil, drop your fresh pasta in. It will only take a couple of minutes to cook, so make sure you stand ready to remove it.Remove the pasta when it is still slightly al dente and transfer it to a pan with sauce to finish to desired softness.
1 90-oz can whole San Marzano tomatoes4 6-oz cans of tomato paste2 c red wine1-1/2 c garlic, crushed and chopped3 c fresh basil, roughly chopped2 T fresh oregano, chopped1 red onion, chopped1/2 stick unsalted butter1/2 c olive oilSalt, pepper, and sugar to taste
Begin by adding a drizzle of olive oil and your butter to a large Dutch oven at mid heat.Add your onions and cook for a few minutes, sprinkling some salt to sweat them out a bit. Cover and reduce the heat to low and let them saute for 15-20 minutes or so until nicely softened and caramelized.Remove the cover and return to mid heat. Add basil, oregano, and half of your garlic and cook for 1 minute, stirring so nothing burns.Add your tomato paste and stir until well-incorporated, cooking for another minute or so.Add your red wine and olive oil, again stirring to incorporate everything and cooking it for a minute or two until it starts to bubble again.Crush your San Marzano tomatoes by hand and add them to the Dutch oven with the rest of your garlic.Stir sauce together to combine and cook until it starts to bubble; reduce the heat back to low and cover and allow the sauce to slow-cook for at least 30 minutes (I let mine go for at least an hour or two every time). At some point during this cooking process, season with salt, pepper, and sugar to taste. I typically do about 1-2 T of salt, 2-3 T of pepper, and just about 1 t of sugar.
6 chicken breasts, trimmed and pounded to 1/2" flat3 c panko bread crumbs1 c fresh parmesan cheese, shredded1-1/2 c all-purpose flour3 eggs, lightly beatenSaltPepperOlive oil
12 slices fresh mozzarella, about 1/4" thick1 c fresh parmesan cheese, shredded
Mix the parmesan cheese and panko together.Add salt and pepper to taste to your flour.Dredge the chicken breasts, one by one, in flour, then egg, and then your panko/cheese mixture.Place the chicken breasts aside for 5-10 minutes to rest, allowing the coating to stick to the meat.Drizzle some olive oil in a large skillet and heat to mid-high.Once the oil is nice and hot, cook your chicken until nicely browned and flip. Should only need 3-4 minutes per side since they are pounded out.
Once your chicken is done, top with two slices of mozzarella and a generous bit of parmesan cheese.Place under the broiler for about 1-2 minutes or until the cheese is nicely melted and browning. Be sure to watch it closely as it can and will burn.
To plate-
Place a small portion of pasta flat in the center of the plate.Add about 1/4 c of sauce.Place your chicken over the top.Add another 1/4 c of sauce over the chicken.Grate some additional fresh parmesan if desired.Serve immediately!
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I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Wrong," and "Ali" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Quick Bites - Dessert Pizza with Cream Cheese Frosting
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Welcome back to another Quick Bite from Nikoli's Kitchen! In this episode I talk about Dessert Pizza. I had made pizza and left an extra pizza dough frozen at Rebecca's if she wanted to make it. The next time I visited it, I whipped up a cream cheese frosting based on Ann Reardon's recipe and rolled out the dough in icing sugar and this was the result. Check it out and I hope you enjoy! So amazingly delicious, and so simple to put together!
Thank you all so much for listening! Please help me reach more ears by leaving the show a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. I hope you have such a beautiful day. Remember that you are so amazing and you are so loved! Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.
Dessert Pizza
1 Pizza DoughIcing sugar to dust counter
2 c icing sugar8 oz (1 package) 1/3 fat cream cheese, softened1 stick unsalted butter, softened1 T vanillaSliced fruit and berries (to decorate)
Preheat oven to 450°.Sprinkle icing sugar on the countertop and roll out the pizza dough.Bake the pizza crust by itself for 8-10 minutes until the dough begins to lightly brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Place warmed cream cheese, butter, and vanilla into a large bowl and cream together with a hand mixer at medium speed.Add in 2 cups of icing sugar, beating until it is light and fluffy and well-incorporated.
Spread the cream cheese frosting on the cooled pizza crust. Top with whatever fresh sliced fruit and berries. Refrigerate for an hour or two to set it up. Slice and enjoy!
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I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Homemade Brioche Bread, Apples, and Salted Caramel!
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to another new episode of Nikoli's Kitchen! In this week's episode I'll spend some time talking about accountability and trusting ourselves when we fall off that horse to get back on it. I'm also breaking down an entire weekend's worth of meals from Valentine's Day weekend with Rebecca! I hope that you had an amazing weekend whether you celebrated with a loved one, a friend, or alone. Just remember that you are amazing. Thank you so much for going on this journey with me.
Recipes mentioned in this episode- Enriched Brioche Bread: Caramel:
Featured Recipe Timecodes
19:00 - Introduction20:36 - Steamed Clams23:48 - Herbed Butter Salmon (for more information on this recipe check out Episode 04)25:40 - Homemade Brioche Bread35:39 - Brioche French Toast37:25 - Homemade Apple Compote/Apple Reduction38:52 - Homemade Salted Caramel
Featured Recipes for this Episode
Steamed Clams
2 lemons, zested- slice one and juice the other1/2 stick butter2 c white wine1 c scallions, chopped3 bulbs of garlic, smashed and roughly choppedSaltPepper30 littleneck clams, scrubbed and rinsed
Clean your clams ahead of time with a soft brush, discarding any that are cracked or open.Place clams in the sink and add 1 T of red and black pepper; this will encourage the clams to expel any sand that may be inside of them.Add butter to a large high-walled skillet and melt it over medium heat.Add scallions and garlic. Cook for a few minutes.Add your clams, lemon juice, lemon slices, and white wine to the pan. Add salt and pepper to season and steam, covered, for 7-10 minutes or until all of the clams have opened. Discard any clams that did not open as they are not safe to eat.
Homemade Brioche Bread
Recipe converted from Emma Duckworth Bakes at
2 1/2 t active dry yeast3/4 c whole milk, luke-warm1/2 c caster sugar2 c bread flour1-1/2 c all-purpose flour1 t salt2 large eggs at room temperature2 t vanilla extract10 T unsalted butter at room temperature, cubed2 T unsalted butter (to grease the pan)
Add 1 T of sugar and your yeast to the milk, stirring until combined and leave it aside to proof, 5-10 minutes. It should get nice a foamy.Add your flours, the rest of your sugar, and salt into a large bowl, reserving out 1/4 c of the flour to add later if necessary.Once foamed, add your yeast mixture, eggs, and vanilla extract to the bowl and mix to combine, working the dough for 3-5 minutes until well mixed. Begin adding in your butter a few tablespoons at a time and work it into the dough until well-combined.Once all of your butter is in and combined into the dough, add flour from the 1/4 c reserved as needed to make the dough workable (mine was a sticky buttery mess, but I don't have a stand mixer as Emma's original recipe calls for). Knead the dough for 7-10 minutes.Grease the bowl.Fold the corners of the dough up underneath it and place in your greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap for 90 minutes or until doubled in size.
Lightly flour your countertop. Grease the loaf pan with the extra 2 T of butter.Punch down the center of the dough and turn it out onto the counter.Form it into a rectangle with your hands, and make sure it is relatively uniform in thickness.Slice it into five equal long rectangles (slices should be parallel to the short side). Make sure they are equal in size and thickness.Roll each of these out until they are thinner and roll them up, placing the rolls side-by-side in the loaf pan.Loosely cover with plastic wrap until the rolls again double in size, about 45-60 minutes.
Pre-heat your oven to 350°.Bake uncovered on the center rack for 30-35 minutes. Keep a sheet of foil ready and keep an eye on the loaf, as you may want to cover it with foil to prevent the top from over-browning. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes in your loaf pan before transferring to a cooling rack.
Homemade Apple Compote
3 lbs Honeycrisp apples1/4 c sugar1/2 t nutmeg1 t cinnamon1/2 cinnamon stick1/2 c white wine
Peel and core your apples. Slice your apple segments from your corer in half lengthwise (you want 16 slices per apple).Add the apples, sugar, nutmet, cinnamon, stick, and white wine into a saucepan.Turn the heat to mid and bring to a boil.Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the apples have softened but still retain their shape.
Salted Caramel Recipe adapted from
3/4 c white sugar1/4 c dark brown sugar6 T unsalted butter1 T coarse sea salt1/2 c heavy cream
Add white and brown sugars to a saucepan at medium heat.DO NOT stop stirring. Just keep stirring this and the sugar will begin to melt. If you stop stirring it, you risk your sugar burning.Once all the sugar is melted, add your butter. Keep stirring and cook this for one minute. Be careful for splashing/splatter as the caramel will bubble violently.Remove from the heat and slowly add your heavy cream, stirring as you add it. Be careful for splashing/splatter as the caramel will bubble violently.Return to heat and cook for one minute.Remove from the heat and sprinkle in your sea salt.
Brioche French Toast
4 eggs1 t vanilla1/2 t nutmeg1/2 t cinnamon2 T Heavy Cream2 T whole milk6 slices brioche bread
Add all ingredients but the bread into a large bowl and mix together until well-incorporated.Soak each slice of bread for at LEAST a minute. I soaked each slice, then placed them on a platter and poured the egg mixture over them, then let the platter sit for an additional five minutes. Because the homemade brioche is quite dense you need to give it time to absorb the egg.Cook on an electric hotplate at 350 for a couple minutes per side or in a skillet on the stove at mid to mid-mid-high heat, flipping once to brown on both sides.Serve with apples and caramel over the top.
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Guest Appearances
I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Aeon," and "June" by Lucas King. Find this and more amazing music by Lucas and subscribe to him on YouTube by visiting!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Quick Bites - Chrusties! Inspired by Chancey's of Radford, VA
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Good morning everyone and welcome to another brand new Quick Bite! This one is all for Rebecca as, not wanting to have a third pizza a few weekends ago, she pulled up a recipe for "Chrusties," which was her favorite snack made by Chancey's- a pizzeria in Radford, VA back when she attended Radford University. The ultimate late-night bite for college kids, it's sort of like if you make a pizza like a cinnamon roll- and the results are PHENOMENAL! Crispy and packed with flavor and cheesy goodness. I'm so grateful to Rebecca for introducing me to a nostalgic favorite. Do you have a favorite go-to late-night snack from your college days? Let me know on social media @nikoliskitchen! Thank you so much for going on this journey with me.
Chrusties! Inspired by the snack once made at Chancey's of Radford, VA.
1 pizza dough (mine was homemade)3 c shredded mozzarella cheese2 c basil, roughly chopped1/2 stick unsalted butter10 cloves of garlic, minced1/2 red onion, finely diced2 t Dried oreganoSaltPepper
Preheat oven to 400°. Roll your pizza dough out into a large rectangle (mine was about the size of a normal-sized cookie sheet).Melt your butter and brush it onto the crust.Sprinkle on salt, pepper, and dried oregano.Sprinkle your cheese and basil over the top of the crust.Sprinkle onion and garlic over the crust.Roll the crust up tightly (as if rolling up cinnamon roll dough). Pinch the seam together along the lengthwise portion (don't close up the ends).Cut the roll into 1 to 1-1/2 inch pieces (we ended up with around a dozen or so). Spray a baking tray with cooking spray or line with a sheet of parchment paper.Place the rolls on a baking sheet filling side up and bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes. They'll be beautifully golden brown on the top and you should see the cheese bubbling out a bit.Serve immediately!
Baking instructions (basically the time & temp as well as the butter) taken from The recipe is based mostly on what we had on-hand at the time and what Rebecca remembered. I can't wait to make them again- based on my research there are a ton of varieties you can make!
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I had the pleasure of guesting on Two Peas on a Podcast recently to talk about Holiday Foods! Please check it and Gerald out at
Check me out on Netflix 'n Swill with Dan and Caleb talking about David Fincher's Mank!
Tune in to December 2020's Rabbit Ears TV Podcast with Ashlee and Shawn Ennis as we talk about our love of Parks & Rec!
"Daybreak," and "The Climb" from Music for Makers. Sign up and get a royalty-free song delivered to your inbox every Monday at!